Hello everyone, it's Kid-Crezy and I would like to ask you guys something. As some of you know, I have been working on a lot of Madness related pipe cleaner creations. but the cast wouldn't be complete without the amazing Sanford and Deimos, and obviously a lot of other characters but I will get to them later. I want to make both Sanford and Deimos, but I can only make 1 of the 2 right now due to a lack of colors. But I have to make one of them. So please tell me, would you rather see Sanford or Deimos as a pipe cleaner. Venom is also an option but I don't think anyone wants to see make that. So let me know soon. Note for my fans, I know I haven't made any of the requested characters yet, I am sorry. I ran out of colors and supplies. But I will get to them soon, I will be buying more colors soon. And the first requested character I will be making is Plastic Man. Well, as always, have a fantastic day!!!